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At the beginning of this week, there were 28 confirmed cases of swine flu in the UK and another 333 possible cases under investigation.  The Health Protection Agency has advised that anyone returning from an affected area, or who has been in contact with a confirmed or probable case of swine flu, who develops symptoms should stay at home and contact their GP or NHS Direct on 0845 4647. They can then be assessed and, if necessary, tested and treated. General infection control practices and good hygiene can help to reduce transmission of all viruses, including swine flu. These include: 

  • Covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue when possible
  • Disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully
  • Maintaining good basic hygiene, for example washing hands frequently with soap and water to reduce the spread of the virus from your hands to face or to other people
  • Cleaning hard surfaces (e.g. door handles) frequently using a normal cleaning product

The Chief Medical Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson commented, ‘It appears that early doses of antivirals such as Tamiflu are helping people to recover. We have enough antivirals to treat half the population of the UK if they become ill.  We have been preparing for the possibility for a number of years and are among the most prepared countries in the world.’

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