Local Authorities: Be Certain, Be Certified.

Local Authorities: Be Certain, Be Certified.

Local authorities that manage their own housing stock are responsible for the safety of thousands of residents within a specific area. Multiple-occupancy residential buildings are often categorised as high-risk, and as such subject to rigorous regulation and checks in order to safeguard life.

As a local authority professional, it is essential that you are able to provide evidence that the fire safety measures implemented in your buildings are fit for purpose.

Third-party certified fire doors

Fire safety systems in local authority and social housing buildings are complex and varied, but when it comes to fire doors, third-party certification is the only way to ensure that doors will perform as they should in the event of a fire.

Fire door third-party certification means that the fire door manufacturer or processor is audited by an independent third party to provide evidence that the product is tested appropriately and produced to a consistent standard.

This involves subjecting a full assembly fire door or doorset to a fire resistance test to BS 476- 22 or BS EN 1634-1 at an accredited test facility, as well as a thorough business audit to ensure that the correct management and manufacturing process are in place to deliver product consistency. To provide peace of mind and continued evidence of the performance of the certified fire door or doorsets, the manufacturer or processer will be audited on a regular basis.

Fire door certification is a robust and thorough process which provides vital evidence of product performance and reassurance of product consistency and quality.

Now is the time to act over fire door safety. Be Certain, Be Certified.

For more information on fire door and doorset third-party certification, find your closest supplier.