Changes to the Code for Sustainable Homes

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The Department for Communities and Local Government has published the changes to the Code for Sustainable Homes this month.
A consultation, involving the house building industry and other interested groups, was held last year. It sought views on proposals to update the Code to align it with Part L of the Building regulations 2010, which came into effect in October, and covered a number of other issues, such as the definition of zero carbon, Lifetime Homes, home security, surface water run-off and waste. The amendment of the Code reflects the outcome of the consultation. The Code has been aligned with the requirements of Part L of the building Regulations 2010. Code level 4 continues to be a 44 per cent improvement above Part L 2006 which is a 25 per cent improvement over Part L 2010. The Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard has been adopted to replace the Heat Loss Parameter. The introduction of Lifetime Homes as a mandatory requirement for Code levels 4 and 5 has been postponed. But the technical guide criteria have been changed to better reflect current thinking and standards on accessibility. There has not been a change to the way credits are allocated for security, however, a wider review of security in building standards will be conducted in the coming months. In July 2010 the coalition Government confirmed that new homes will be zero carbon from 2016 and that a minimum Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard would be required in line with the 2009 consultation. The Code 2010 update will come into effect immediately but it will be possible for developments to be registered to the May 2009 version of the Code as long as it can be demonstrated that the development is being built to Part L 2006 standards. There are no firm plans for the future development of the Code at present as, under the Government’s commitment to reduce the burden of regulation, plans to review the Code and its role are being considered alongside a wider rationalization of housing standards. Further information can be found by following these links: Sustainable New Homes – The road to Zero Carbon. Consultation on the Code for Sustainable Homes and the Energy Efficiency Standard for Zero Carbon Homes.
// Consultation on the Code for Sustainable Development – Analysis of Responses.
// Summary of the changes to the Code for Sustainable Homes technical guidance – November 2010
// Code for Sustainable Homes technical guidance – November 2010

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