Use of intumescent seals on hotel bedroom doors – our view

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The recently published “Determination on the suitability and sufficiency of a fire risk assessment in a hotel in respect of the adequacy of the existing bedroom fire doors” by DCLG (Department of Communities and Local Government) relating to a 215 bedroom hotel's legal obligations under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (the Order) has raised some concern across the fire door industry.

The BWF view and advice remains unchanged. We believe that it is always advisable to fit fire and smoke seals to fire doors, based not only on the position set out in Approved Document B to the Building Regulations but also on the evidence of 15 years of regular testing of our members' fire doors within the BWF CERTIFIRE Fire Door Scheme. 

Hotel premises pose all sorts of challenges to the Responsible Person.  It is important to remember that hotel residents will be in unfamiliar surroundings and thus more easily disorientated and less aware of escape routes than in many other buildings that they typically occupy, (home, office, workplace etc.).  In this environment people and escape routes require greater protection, not less.

Further information and details of other 'determinations' on hotel bedroom doors can be viewed here.

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